

SIBCS  ·  · 4 年前


  • 砷是地壳的自然元素,广泛分布于大气、水和陆地等环境,正常人体组织也含有微量的砷。中国人很早就广泛使用砷的化合物:三硫化二砷(雌黄)、四硫化四砷(雄黄)、三氧化二砷(砒霜),三者都曾被用于中药。雌黄更是古代东西方均广泛使用的金黄色颜料,也可用于修改错字,故有信口雌黄之说。砒霜是古代最常见的毒药,常被用于谋杀。由于环境原因,大部分在美国和欧盟的砒霜生产都已停止。根据英国地质调查局和美国地质调查局的统计,2005年中国出产的砒霜占了世界近50%的生产份额,是当时世界上最大的砒霜生产国。在工业上,砷用作合金添加剂,同样用于玻璃、涂料、纺织品、纸张、金属粘合剂、车用铅酸蓄电池、木材防腐剂和弹药的处理。制造半导体电子器件时用砷作为掺杂剂,掺杂了硅的光电子化合物砷化镓是最常用的半导体。砷还用于制革工艺,并在有限程度上用于杀虫剂、饲料添加剂和药物。长期摄入无机砷会引起慢性砷中毒,其影响程度取决于接触水平,有时多年后才显现出后果,例如皮肤损伤、周围神经病变、糖尿病、心血管疾病和癌症等。

  • 2018年2月15日,世界卫生组织发布了有关砷在日常生活中对于人体健康的事实更新列表,其中指出,人们因饮用受污染的水、在食品加工和粮食作物灌溉中使用受污染的水、工业加工、食用受污染的食品和吸烟,接触浓度越来越高的无机砷。近年来,随着饮用水质不断改善,通过呼吸吸入成为另一条接触砷的重要途径,尤其吸烟也可接触烟草含有的天然无机砷,因为烟草植物主要是从土壤中摄取土壤中天然存在的砷。此外,烟草植物如果使用含有砷酸铅的杀虫剂,接触高浓度砷的可能性就更大。





  • 乳腺癌风险高13.2倍(95%置信区间:4.02~43.0,P<0.0001)

  • 所有癌风险高13.3倍(95%置信区间:4.78~37.0,P<0.0001)


Int J Cancer. 2019 Jul 26. [Epub ahead of print]

Blood Arsenic Levels and the Risk of Familial Breast Cancer in Poland.

Marciniak W, Derkacz R, Muszyńska M, Baszuk P, Gronwald J, Huzarski T, Cybulski C, Jakubowska A, Falco M, Debniak T, Lener M, Oszurek O, Pullella K, Kotsopoulos J, Sun P, Narod SA, Lubiński J.

Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland; Read-Gene S.A., Grzepnica, Poland; University of Zielona Gora, Zielona Gora, Poland; West Pomeranian Oncology Center, Szczecin, Poland; Women's College Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; University of Toronto, Toronto Ontario, Canada.

Arsenic is recognised as a potent carcinogen at high concentrations, but the relationship between environmental arsenic and breast cancer risk has not well been studied. Most research has focussed on the effect of arsenic in populations with high endemic exposure, and not in populations with arsenic levels within normal limits. We sought to determine if blood arsenic levels predict the risk of breast and other cancers risk among women in northern Poland. The cohort consisted of 1,702 healthy women, aged 40 and above, identified between 2010 and 2017. Blood arsenic level was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. After an average of 4.5 years of follow-up (range 0.7 to 7.3 years) there were 110 incident cases of cancer diagnosed in the cohort, including 68 cases of breast cancer. Women in the highest quartile of arsenic had a highly significant 13-fold increased risk of developing breast cancer, compared to women in the lowest quartile (HR = 13.2; 95%CI 4.02-43.0). Results were similar for arsenic and all incident cancers (HR quartile 4 vs. quartile 1 = 13.3; 95%CI 4.78-37.0). If confirmed, our study suggests that the blood arsenic level may be a useful predictive marker of cancer risk in women.

KEYWORDS: Blood; Cancer; Cohort study; Familial Breast Cancer; Prospective study; Poland; Arsenic; Cancer Risk

PMID: 31348523

DOI: 10.1002/ijc.32595


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