
电子书 | Python 爬虫技术升级必备

编程派  · Python  · 4 年前

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爬虫是学 Python 的同学必备的一个技能,掌握之后可能帮助自己实现很多之前不敢想象的需求。

今天给大家推荐一本专门讲爬虫的电子书,是国外 Packt 出版社的一本免费电子书,名字叫《Python Web Scraping Cookbook》。

既然名字里带了 Cookbook,那就意味着这是一本实操性非常强的书。书的副标题,其实就很明确地告诉了我们,书中包含了超过 90 多个常用的爬虫“菜谱”,也就是通用技巧了。


Untangle your web scraping complexities and access web data with ease using Python scripts

Key Features

  • Hands-on recipes to advance your web scraping skills to expert level

  • Address complex and challenging web scraping tasks using Python

  • Understand the web page structure and collect meaningful data from the website with ease

Book Description

Python Web Scraping Cookbook is a solution-focused book that will teach you techniques to develop high-performance scrapers and deal with crawlers, sitemaps, forms automation, Ajax-based sites, and caches.You'll explore a number of real-world scenarios where every part of the development/product life cycle will be fully covered. You will not only develop the skills to design and develop reliable data flows, but also deploy your codebase to an AWS. If you are involved in software engineering, product development, or data mining (or are interested in building data-driven products), you will find this book useful as each recipe has a clear purpose and objective.

Right from extracting data from the websites to writing a sophisticated web crawler, the book's independent recipes will be a godsend on the job. This book covers Python libraries, requests, and BeautifulSoup. You will learn about crawling, web spidering, working with AJAX websites, and paginated items. You will also learn to tackle problems such as 403 errors, working with proxy, scraping images, and LXML.

By the end of this book, you will be able to scrape websites more efficiently and deploy and operate your scraper in the cloud.

What you will learn

  • Use a wide variety of tools to scrape any website and data-including BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Selenium, and many more

  • Master expression languages such as XPath, CSS, and regular expressions to extract web data

  • Deal with scraping traps such as hidden form fields, throttling, pagination, and different status codes

  • Build robust scraping pipelines with SQS and RabbitMQ

  • Scrape assets such as images media and know what to do when Scraper fails to run

  • Explore ETL techniques of building a customized crawler, parser, and convert structured and unstructured data from websites

  • Deploy and run your scraper as a service in AWS Elastic Container Service

Who This Book Is For

Python Web Scraping Cookbook is ideal for Python programmers, web administrators, security professionals or someone who wants to perform web analytics would find this book relevant and useful. Familiarity with Python and basic understanding of web scraping would be useful to take full advantage of this book.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started with Scraping

  2. Data Acquisition and Extraction

  3. Processing Data

  4. Working with Images, Audio and Other Assets

  5. Scraping - Code of Conduct

  6. Scraping Challenges and Solutions

  7. Text Wrangling and Analysis

  8. Searching, Mining and Visualizing Data

  9. Working with an API and Providing a Data API

  10. Creating Scraper Microservices with Docker

  11. A Complete Real-World Example


在公众号编程派(ID:codingpy)的对话栏,回复关键词 【book 28】即可获得本书下载链接。


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题图:pexels,CC0 授权。

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