
清晨朗读1160:Big Mood Machine

清晨朗读会  · 英语  · 4 年前

Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯正又充满磁性的美音,这里有多样化的学习素材(目前已推送 1000 多篇不同类型的英文材料),这里已经有超过 13 万充满激情的英语学习者,这里更是共同进步、实现梦想的出发点和加油站!关注清晨朗读会,让优美的晨读开启你充满希望的每一天!

Good morning!

今天的练习内容来自 The Baffler,标题为 The Big Mood Machine,内容的主题是在线听音乐的服务是如何出售我们的信息。


What do you think?

Have fun!


p.s. 记得每天都来 清晨朗读会 打卡哦~


Big Mood Machine

Spotify pursues emotional surveillance for global profit

By Liz Pelly

Music is emotional, and so our listening often signals something deeply personal and private. Today, this means music streaming platforms are in a unique position within the greater platform economy: they have troves of data related to our emotional states, moods, and feelings. It’s a matter of unprecedented access to our interior lives, which is buffered by the flimsy illusion of privacy. When a user chooses, for example, a “private listening” session on Spotify, the effect is to make them feel that it’s a one-way relation between person and machine. Of course, that personalization process is Spotify’s way of selling users on its product. But, as it turns out, in a move that should not surprise anyone at this point, Spotify has been selling access to that listening data to multinational corporations.

Where other platforms might need to invest more to piece together emotional user profiles, Spotify streamlines the process by providing boxes that users click on to indicate their moods: Happy Hits, Mood Booster, Rage Beats, Life Sucks. All of these are examples of what can now be found on Spotify’s Browse page under the “mood” category, which currently contains eighty-five playlists. If you need a lift in the morning, there’s Wake Up Happy, A Perfect Day, or Ready for the Day. If you’re feeling down, there’s Feeling Down, Sad Vibe, Down in the Dumps, Drifting Apart, Sad Beats, Sad Indie, and Devastating. If you’re grieving, there’s even Coping with Loss, with the tagline: “When someone you love becomes a memory, find solace in these songs.”




希望的得到更多指导可以上:英语 A 计划






  1. 先听一遍我读的语音(最好第一遍不看原文)

  2. 再听一遍,这次跟着模仿(听不懂你模仿的没关系,跟不上也没关系,就尽量模仿你听到的音!)

  3. 朗读一遍原文

  4. 这个时候才花点时间查不懂的内容(但查询的时间不要超过总练习时间的三分之一!)

  5. 1-3步骤再重复2-3遍

  6. 发到朋友圈里,告诉朋友你今天练了英语!(对我来讲,日常的转发与分享是最大的支持和帮助,提前感谢!)


  1. 听一遍

  2. 跟着模仿一遍

  3. 朗读一遍


BeijingJul 2019

你一直在寻找的英语课程:英语 A 计划



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