

猛犸君侯  · 教育  · 4 年前

2019-09-17 21:13

【52分钟英字完整版】【纪录片.PBS.美国历程:血仇.American.Experience.S31E07.The.Feud.2019】哈特菲尔德-麦考伊夙怨 (The Hatfield–McCoy feud),指1863至1891年中,肯塔基州边界两个家族之间的冲突械斗,此一夙怨冲突已成为美国的民俗学词汇。这段历史多次被改编和拍摄成电影和电视作品,最新作品首推2012年IMDB评分8.0的三集美剧《血仇》。
American Experience: The Feud The feud between the Hatfields and McCoys is perhaps the most famous family conflict in American history. As legend has it, two neighboring families in the backwoods of Appalachia waged a crude and bloody war against each other over a stolen hog, an illicit romance, and longstanding grudges. Yet the events that took place near the end of the 19th century between the Hatfields and McCoys are part of a much richer and more complex narrative of the American experience.

Anderson Hatfield and Randolph McCoy, the patriarchs of the legendary feud, were entrepreneurs seeking to climb up from hardship after fierce economic competition and rapid technological change had turned their lives upside down. When members of both families took their grievances to court, their dispute escalated into a war between two families and a struggle between two states. The Feud reveals more than an isolated story of mountain lust and violence between "hillbillies" - the Hatfield-McCoy feud was a microcosm of the tensions inherent in the nation's rapid industrialization after the Civil War. 猛犸君侯的微博视频
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