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How a pair of self-publicists wound up as apologists for Assad


The trail from Damascus to Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich


Apr 15th 2017

A COUPLE of days after the chemical weapons attack in Syria, some Twitter users in America began sharing a theory: the pictures had been concocted as a pretext for launching a missile attack. The notion was endorsed by Alex Jones, who runs a website called Infowars, which has successfully spread the idea that the Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut was a hoax and that Hillary Clinton was involved in a paedophile ring run from a pizzeria in Washington, DC. Mr Jones was until recently a fervent supporter of Donald Trump. Campaigning last year, candidate Trump returned the favour: “Your reputation is amazing, I will not let you down,” Mr Trump said. Now, it seems, he has.


  • InFowars::亚历克斯·琼斯之秀新闻网是一个综合的新闻类的信息网站,涉及众多领域,内容充实,拥有强大的互联网群众基础,该节目在全美60调幅和调频以上的无线电台通过创世纪通讯网络同步播出,拥有庞大的互联网群众基础。分为亚历克斯·琼斯广播秀,新闻,多媒体,监狱星球论坛,广告和商店六大板块。

  • Sandy Hook school shooting:美国当地时间2012年12月14日上午9点40分,美国康涅狄格州纽敦(Newtown)县的桑迪•胡克(Sandy Hook)小学发生枪击案,造成28人丧生,其中20人是儿童。

  • pizzeria:抹黑希拉里的假新闻困扰华盛顿的一家名为“彗星乒乓”(Comet Ping Pong)的披萨饼店。

The story of how Mr Jones fastened onto his Syria conspiracy has been pieced together by Ben Nimmo and Donara Barojan of the Atlantic Council, a think-tank.(读者试译) It begins in Syria, where a pro-Assad website published an article claiming that those who came to the aid of the attack’s victims were not wearing protective gloves, and therefore it must be a hoax. It also claimed that a TV station had inadvertently announced plans to cover the strike before it had taken place. This idea was then picked up by several websites, including the Centre for Research on Globalisation, a hub for conspiracy theories and fake stories.


From there it was a short hop to American conspiracy sites, such as Mr Jones’s Infowars, which claimed the whole thing was a “false-flag” operation funded by George Soros. Mike Cernovich, another conspiracy theorist, took a similar line and spread the phrase #SyriaHoax. It was given a bump by computer programs used to boost stories on social media (one Twitter account used #SyriaHoax 155 times). A foreign government might have had a hand in this: the Senate has heard testimony that Russia used this technique to spread fake news stories during last year’s election. Since April 6th, #SyriaHoax has been used in 192,000 tweets—85% of which originated in the United States. The hashtag reached 13.6m Twitter users in a single hour according to Keyhole, a social-media analytics firm. And that is how some self-publicists, posing as American patriots, became apologists for the Assad regime, which drops poison gas on children.


  • false-flag:伪旗行动,是隐蔽行动的一种,指通过使用其他组织的旗帜、制服等手段误导公众以为该行动由其他组织所执行的行动。假旗行动在谍报活动中非常常见,此外民间的政治选举也常有采用此法。 

  • Keyhole:三维地图初创公司,大多数智能手机都在用它的技术,这家创立于2001年的硅谷初创公司,用三维地图引领了卫星图像革命,让用户可以在各个地点间“飞跃”。该技术名为EarthViewer,伊拉克战争中便为军队和新闻报道所用。谷歌在2004年收购了这家公司,将其技术融进了著名的“谷歌地球”和其他地图产品中。

翻译 ▍栏目六第一组

审核 ▍Arias

图文编辑 ▍太止


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The story of how Mr Jones fastened onto his Syria conspiracy has been pieced together by Ben Nimmo and Donara Barojan of the Atlantic Council, a think-tank. 

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