

CHINADAILY  ·  · 3 月前







Galaxy Writer, the directorial debut feature of Li Kuo and Shan Dandan, was released domestically on March 30, and has earned 7.2 points out of ten on the popular review site Douban.

Last year, the film received both the Grand Jury Prize and the Best Screenplay award at the 17th FIRST International Film Festival, one of the most significant events for emerging directors in China.

During a recent interview with China Daily, the duo of creators—also a couple—shared behind-the-scenes stories of the comedy.

The film revolves around two novice scriptwriters struggling to garner attention for their most self-assured script. Their narrative fabricates a character with a memory as fleeting as a fish’s, with the aim of attracting investors and ensuring they maintain creative control over its filming.

During this journey fraught with challenges, the duo—also close friends sharing a rented apartment in eastern Beijing—encounter many unexpected obstacles, ranging from repeatedly revising their work based on empty promises, to enduring the overbearing attitudes of financiers who possess little understanding of artistic creation.

Li reveals that one of the key plotlines, featuring how one protagonist meets his during a showing of The Dark Knight, is inspired by his real-life story.

When Christopher Nolan’s iconic The Dark Knight trilogy opened its online presale as an appeal of the 8th Beijing International Film Festival, tickets sold out in just seven seconds. Li was one very lucky person who managed to secure two tickets. However, since his friend could no longer accompany him as planned, he decided to transfer one ticket at its original price. 

Concerned about accidentally selling the ticket to scalpers—who had already driven the price up to more than five times its original amount—and hoping the precious ticket would end up with a genuine movie fan, he came up with an interesting idea.

He posted a notice in a WeChat group, announcing that he would give the ticket to the individual who could answer a question about Nolan’s movies at 8 pm that night. The question was “what is the very first line spoken by Joker in The Dark Knight?”

“Only a real fan who has watched the movie more than three times could answer it correctly, as Joker speaks before he takes off his mask to be recognized by audience. The line is ‘No, no, no…I killed the bus driver’. It was an exciting moment as more than 100 people were then online, and the fourth netizen got it right,” he recalls.

According to Shan, when they attended the FIRST film festival in Xining, Qinghai province, last year, they were initially anxious about how the audience would react to their film, which debuted at the event.

Even though there was no arranged Q&A session after the screening, the couple wore T-shirts printed with their WeChat contacts and carried a billboard to boldly introduce themselves.

“We waited outside the hall’s door, my legs trembling with nerves. Then, applause and laughter erupted from inside, filling me with excitement,” Shan recalls. 

What followed exceeded their expectations. They found themselves quickly encircled by cameras and journalists, with interviews continuing until almost 3 pm that day.

Now that their movie is reaching a broader national audience, the two filmmakers see Galaxy Writer as a love letter to cinema and hope it will inspire young people to chase their dreams.

Reporter: Xu Fan

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